Welcome to CMU-Alert
Welcome to CMU-Alert, Carnegie Mellon’s emergency notification service. In the event of an emergency, the system will send text, voice and email messages to members of the CMU community. Messages are posted to Facebook and Twitter for parents, alumni and community members. Messages and updates also are posted on this website.
All students are automatically registered for CMU-Alert using the contact information that has been entered into Student Information Online, so please make sure your information is up-to-date. Faculty and staff receive CMU-Alert messages to their contact information listed in Workday.
Download the Rave Guardian Mobile App, a virtual buddy system that turns your smartphone into a safety device. To learn more about the app and how to download it, go to visit our rave guardian page.
Questions? Send an email to cmu-alert@andrew.myxiwei.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I be sure I'll receive CMU-Alert messages?
All students are automatically registered for CMU-Alert if their information is up-to-date in SIO.
Update your information
in SIO
Need help? Read our student guide for signing up with the SIO system
Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff are automatically subscribed to receive CMU-Alert messages. If you want to verify or update your contact information, you can visit Workday or work with your department initiator.
Update your information
in Workday
Read this quick guide to learn how to update your information in Workday.
To unsubscribe from CMU-Alert, Visit Workday. Read this quick guide to learn how to unsubscribe from CMU-Alert in Workday.
Parents, Alumni, Visitors
By following the instructions below, visitors to Carnegie Mellon University may enroll to receive CMU-Alert messages:
Text keyword: VISITORS to 67283.
You will receive the following message: "Welcome to CMU-Alert, Carnegie Mellon University's emergency notification system."
To opt-out: Text STOP VISITORS to 67283 to cancel or HELP for tech support.
Message and data rates may apply. Text messages are sent on an as-needed basis. This service is provided per the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.