Annual Re-Recognition Process
Each year, all student government recognized organizations are required to complete the re-recognition registration in order to maintain recognition benefits. This process is led by the Student Government Director of Organizations (SGDOO) and facilitated by the Committee on Student Organizations (CoSO). This application process will be facilitated through TartanConnect's registration process.
The goal of the process is to ensure that organizations are still functioning effectively and fulfilling their designated mission, as well as to identify issues that organizations are having functioning in the University environment - i.e., membership concerns, concerns about finances, administrative questions, etc.
Recognition Criteria
In order to maintain recognition, a student organization needs to be:
- Be in good standing with the SLICE Office (completed necessary annual training)
- Membership: have at least 3 officers and 8 additional members or at least 2 officers, an advisor, and 8 additional members (11 total)
- Governing Documents: Constitution/By-Laws
- Adhere to the CMU Statement of Assurance
Re-Recognition Timeline 2024-2025
- Monday, August 12: Re-Recognition application goes live on TartanConnect (look for the blue button at the top of your organization's group page). An email from SLICE and/or the SGDOO to all Primary Contacts, Co/Presidents, and Vice Presidents will announce the start of the process.
- Sunday, September 15: Re-Recognition applications due on TartanConnect by 11:59 p.m.
- Friday, October 11: Confirmation of recognition status (recognized, recognized - on probation, or derecognized/defunct) will be sent through TartanConnect's registration process and/or by email from CoSO (Committee on Student Organizations)
- Friday, October 25: Appeals, in writing, are due to by 11:59 p.m.
Appeals Process
If your organization is not granted the status of student government re-recognition, you may appeal the decision of CoSO. In order to appeal:
- You must submit a written notice of your appeal to CoSO ( within one week of receipt of the notification of CoSO's decision.
- A maximum of three members can present for your organization at the appeals meeting.
- CoSO will schedule an appeal hearing within three meetings of the receipt of the request for appeal.
- At the end of the appeal hearing, CoSO will vote on whether to reverse the original recognition decision made.
- If your organization is still not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal to Student Senate or the Graduate Student Assembly.